Time Warp Tuesday: Meg’s Tracks for August 14, 2018 [VIDEOS]
It's Time Warp Tuesday, y'all! Let's travel back to a simpler time, a time without never-ending student loan payments and when we were able to slam down a Clearly Canadian to quench our 90's XTREME thirst.
Here are the retro tracks I am digging this week. Granted, they're not all 90's tunes, but I am tired and the Clearly Canadian reference was the best my sleep-deprived self could do.
Pictures of You/The Cure
This is one of my Top 10 fave songs of all time. Just listen to that intro. And that bass line! Remember that episode of South Park where Kyle yells, "Disintegration is the greatest album of all time" to mecha-Robert Smith? Show me where the lie is.
Teenage Riot/ Sonic Youth
Hey, so while we're talking about the greatest albums of all time, let's discuss Teenage Riot. If you don't own this one... go buy it now.
Fade into You/ Mazzy Star
Are you even a 90's baby if you didn't make out with someone in the backseat of a car while this song was blasting on the radio?
Digital Love/ Daft Punk
How about another makeout jam? This takes me back to my sophomore year in college...
The Widow/ The Mars Volta
TBH, I am still not over Deloused in the Comatorium. That album still slays!