I am cracking open the Alt Vault to share seven of my favorite vintage tracks with y'all.  I normally do this every week, but as I am basically a sentient dumpster fire, I forgot last Tuesday. I'm so sorry. Here's a picture of College Meg as pentinence.

meg summers
meg summers

YIKES. That was actually a Myspace profile pic circa 2006, so... anyway... let's do this.

Milk/ Garbage
It's a rainy day perfect for getting in your feelings, so let the sweet sounds of Shirley Manson serve as the soundtrack for crying about your broken heart. NOT THAT I HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE WITH THAT. (awkward laugh)

Closer/ Nine Inch Nails
Look, I would warn you that this isn't song you can play over the office speakers, but I think that's glaringly obvious. The music video gives me nightmares; however, this has not lessened my desire to hook up with Trent Reznor, a man who is and shall always be my #1 Industrial Rock Daddy.

Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others/ The Smiths
Morrissey's showing some love to us T H I C C gals on this track from The Queen Is Dead (which happens to be my favorite Smiths album).

Where I End and You Begin/ Radiohead
The video above is whack, but it was the only album version I could find of this song so... it is what it is. I remember Hail to the Thief dropped my freshman year of college and I went to a record store at midnight to buy a copy.

Fidelity/ Regina Spektor
The only fidelity about which I care comes from my stereo.

Plainsong/ The Cure
It's my favorite Cure song for my favorite day of the week. Enjoy.

Regret/ New Order
You know what's totally not in my schedule today? Listening to this song in the bathtub and crying. YEAH TOTALLY NOT DOING THAT OR EVER DOING THAT. (more awkward laughter)

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