Comfort Wins During COVID-19 Pandemic

Everything is different now.  And I do mean everything in life is different now due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  How we even go through a typical day is different.  How we get our groceries, entertainment, dining, doctor visits, and the list goes on and on.  As our local businesses suffer and our economy feels like it is being raked over the coals.  There have been some business categories that have been winning during the COVID-19 pandemic.  One category that has done well is comfort.  According to CNBC, the “sales of pajamas online surged 143% in April compared with March, according to data from Adobe Analytics.”  Makes sense, tons of people are working from home and turning to comfort.  Many stores had to shut their doors to help flatten the curve of the spread of COVID-19, and that hurt their business model.  However, I noticed those businesses are marketing their goods to go along with the cozy at-home attitude.  Also, CNBC noted that “Sales of pants fell 13%, as people turned to video conference calls, where only tops are visible.”  I mean, who doesn’t love pants free meetings!

However, there is the other side of the comfort at home.  I have noticed that tons of my friends and family are taking time to dig into their closet to find those fancy dresses, suits, and evening wear for their at-home date nights or zoom calls with their friends.  I recently joined a Saturday night zoom party with my friends, and the attire of “Diamonds and Pearls” was required to attend.  I played along and found it fun digging through all my jewelry to find loads of “fake” diamonds and pearls to wear.  I went all out and had a ring for each finger!  I’ve even put on my mom’s fur stole to top it all off!  But, of course, I was wearing PJ bottoms!

(Source) For more from CNBC, click here. 

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