The New Alabama Vaccine Law That Went Into Effect On January 1, 2022
It’s 2022 finally!
Some people miss the new laws that start the new year, every year.
In 2022, in the state of Alabama, two new laws go into effect that you need to know.

One new Alabama law involves Covid-19 vaccine mandates that have been the topic of much debate.
More on that in a moment. A few new federal laws are of interest as well, especially the new "tipping" regulations.
Here's the official wording on employees who work for tips at their jobs.
In addition, here's the new law for employees that have to "pool" their tips with co-workers.
Now, let's talk about Alabama laws in 2022. First up, the law in regard to Covid-19 vaccine mandates and "religious exemptions".
This has been one of the most controversial topics of 2021. I'm not sure why it needs to be a religion based exemption. What ever happened to the "it's my body, my choice" way of thinking in the USA.
Specifically, the new Alabama law states...
"Relating to vaccines; to require employers to allow 6 employees to claim an exemption from the COVID-19 vaccination 7 for medical reasons or sincerely held religious beliefs; to 8 provide for submission of a standard form requesting the 9 exemption; to provide standard language for the exemption 10 form; to prohibit an employer from requiring a COVID-19 11 vaccine if an exemption form is completed and submitted"
The other new law in Alabama involves the way your employer can discuss your exit from the company. In other words, they aren't allowed to make "disparaging comments" about former employees under work agreements.
It's about time a law like this existed in Alabama.
In 2022, as of now, we don't have a bunch of new laws to worry about, but that could change in the near future.
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