Bar-ch Madness is Back! Vote Now to Pick Tuscaloosa’s Best Bar
Good afternoon and welcome to the second-ever Bar-ch Madness, Alt 101.7's bracket challenge to pick the best bar in the Tuscaloosa area!
Last year, readers cast more than 250,000 votes in our 32-bar bracket and eventually crowned the Gray Lady on Greenboro Avenue as champion after it narrowly edged out the Houndstooth Sports Bar in the finals.
Since then, we've seen a few local bars close and a few more open so we have updated the 2020 bracket accordingly to include newcomers such as Session, Nocturnal Tavern and Twelve 25.
If you want to skip ahead, Round One voting is now open and will remain that way until this Thursday, March 12th, at 8 a.m. Then we'll tally things up and launch Round Two either later than day or Friday at noon -- we'll see.
If you care about the process, the seeding of the bars was completely randomized, just as it was last year -- we did not want to introduce the biases of our staff by ranking these fine establishments beforehand.
As before, we're using Crowdsignal, formerly known as Polldaddy, to collect votes. Bar fans can vote as many times as they want before Thursday morning, but Crowdsignal may automatically block IP addresses that vote too frequently. We can only white-list a small number of polls at a time to prevent this automatic filtering, but because of the site's limitations we will not do so in Round One or Round Two. If you get locked out, just wait a while and come back later.
That's it for the minutia -- get to voting below and we'll see if anyone's got what it takes to unseat the Gray Lady as the best bar in Tuscaloosa. At the end of all this, there's a big-ass trophy waiting for the Champion.
Voting for Round One is now closed! Thanks for participating in Bar-ch Madness 2020, and look for the launch of Round Two Thursday afternoon.
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