Vote Now In The Bar-ch Madness Sauced 16!
The first round of the first ever Alt 101.7 Bar-ch Madness bracket challenge is behind us and we're one step closer to picking the best bar in Tuscaloosa as voting begins now for Round Two: The Sauced 16!
Round One had no shortage of surprises as juggernauts fell to underdogs and some contests were neck-and-neck until the last vote was cast Friday afternoon.
In the spirit of full disclosure, one of those surprises was our fault: when our staff brainstormed what bars to include in this contest, we did not realize Band of Brothers Brewing Co. had gone out of business, and when we were made aware of our mistake it was too late to alter the bracket without unfairly disadvantaging The High Tide Bar, which had already received hundreds of votes in the match-up. The error was compounded when at the end of Round One, Band of Brothers had more votes than High Tide. In this awkward position, we have decided to advance High Tide Bar to Round 2 since Band of Brothers is no longer in business. This will be their only bye, though, as they face the behemoth that is the Houndstooth in the Sauced 16. We hope you can forgive our slip-up.
With that bit of housekeeping out of the way, let's move on to the voting! This round will be open until 4 p.m. on Monday, March 11th, so you can take the weekend to think on your decisions or drink on them, whatever floats your boat.
As before, listeners will have unlimited voting power until the polls close Monday afternoon and the results will be visible the whole way. Vote early and vote often!
We'll see you Monday evening as we tally the votes and move on to the Inebriated Eight!
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