Bodily functions are not kind to this poor lady.

An Australian woman named Monique Jeffrey broke her neck back in April while laughing at a co-worker's joke.

This crushing news comes after an equally bizarre incident in 2011 when she broke her neck in the same spot while sneezing in bed.

The mother of two is now in a halo -- again -- to help her recovery. "I've had two kids and getting the halo is worse than childbirth," said Jeffrey, speaking volumes about the agony of her plight.

Jeffrey must wear the halo for six weeks and then undergo rehab to get back to full health. Her sister has also created a GoFundMe page to help pay for her medical bills (who knew getting help paying medical bills outside the U.S. was a thing?). They've already surpassed the $8,000 goal, which is great because you don't want Jeffrey coughing up that kind of cash because, with her track record, she might lacerate a kidney in the process.

Give Jeffrey credit -- she's keeping her immobile head up high about the whole thing. "It’s not terminal, I’m going to be fine, but it does suck a bit," she said. "You just have to laugh about it." Although, knowing her history, that's probably not wise.

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