If the novel Coronavirus pandemic doesn't have you wanting to carry around a pony keg of hand sanitizer, then this elevator sign will change your mind.

The photo appears to have been taken inside an elevator on the campus of the University of Alabama. It's been on Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, and Facebook. I first came across it in a dumb tag group on Facebook (shoutout to Signs with Threatening Auras), and I could not believe my eyes.


"Cameras are watching."

Y I K E S, y'all.

Look, I am almost certain this has to be a student prank or an ace photoshop job, but still. I went to college; I remember how students were, so... this is still entirely within the realm of possibility.

I can't stop laughing at this. Does that mean I am immature? Probably.

I wish I could figure out exactly WHERE on campus this sign was posted, and then I'd be able to use my fantastic skills of deduction to determine whether or not it was the real deal. I guess I will have to let this mystery haunt me a little longer.

What's the strangest sign you've seen on campus?

Are you obsessed with stupid Facebook tag groups like I am? I wish I could go all the way down THAT rabbit hole with y'all. I think I am a member of at least 250 groups. I know; I'm a big nerd, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to get that precious seratonin.

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