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On a whim, I took a bet from my girlfriend - Quit smoking, cold turkey.

The first 2 weeks were an absolute nightmare and I could barely sleep. On top of that, I was eating everything in site. Probably gained a good 5-15lbs in that short amount of time. But after the third week, I started to slim down again and became less and less aggro.

What I've learned from this whole entire experience is that, you should treat your body with the upmost respect and ingest only the 'good'. Luckily, I've been doing these things called, 'Rogue' that are like these mini tobacco-less pouches that contain nicotine so my craving of smoking is blanketed by a cool and refreshing mango taste in my lip (that sounded like an endorsement, it's not. So don't do Rogue or smoke a cig).

Life is short and you should spend your time with friends, family and surround yourself with healthy habits with good food and exercise. I'm not trying to act like a self righteous health 'nut' or 'guru' but you should value your youth and take full advantage of keeping your 'temple' clean and filtered of all toxicants.

My one tip for people who are smoking:

  1. Quit today.

It's gonna suck and you might be aggro for a few weeks, but after that it's smooth sailing.

Roll Tide.


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