So, the other night I was surfing through Facebook, and I was on one of those, "You Might Be Tuscaloosa If...." type of pages.

As I was going through some of the various threads, I noticed a particular Meme that has been going around the past few days. It was a picture of the Legendary Moon Winx Hotel lit up at night with the words: "If You Know What This Is You Are From Tuscaloosa".  I also noticed that a LOT of folks were sharing it. However, as I took an even CLOSER look, I thought the picture looked AWFULLY Familiar.  Now I know WHY......Because I'M THE ONE WHO TOOK THE ORIGINAL PICTURE!

Want Proof? Take a look at the MEME again:

Photo Courtesy Louie Linguini
Photo Courtesy Louie Linguini

Now, check out MY ORIGINAL PHOTO for proof!

Photo Courtesy Louie Linguini
Photo Courtesy Louie Linguini

The evidence is UNDENIABLE! That is MY picture of The Moon Winx which is being used in a popular local MEME! Apparently, somebody "borrowed" it off my Facebook Page after I had posted it on my wall!

In a way I find it flattering. But I also wish that I was getting a PHOTO CREDIT, or a ROYALTY on it.....Or maybe a pat on the back.

In any event, if you see this on your social media feed, remember that you KNOW the man who took the picture.........Me!:-)

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