When customers arrived at the Dollar Tree on Jordan Lane in Huntsville, Alabama, they discovered the doors were shut.

A note had been taped to the door in an effort to explain the situation.

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Now--I know what you're thinking here-- Meg, I've seen this before. You're right, as many DGs and DTs have closed recently.

In May, the Moundville Dollar General closed because it simply didn't have enough employees--and the same thing happened back in February when the employees of the Vance DG went full Johnny Paycheck and quit, leaving no one to man the store.

You may think you've seen it all, and I am here to tell you to THINK AGAIN.

Do you want to know why the Jordan Lane Dollar Tree closed in Huntsville?


Raccoons, y'all.

Take a look at the photo Tina Lister shared on Facebook Tuesday.

Tina was just trying to get her supplies from the Tree and BAM: trash pandas on the loose.

The sign on the door literally says:

Attention Customers--

There are 3 Racoons in the Store--

Animal Control is on their way--


Hilarious. It's like a white trash Emily Dickison poem and I am HERE FOR IT, although I do have questions about the actual raccoons.

  • Are they rabid?
  • Are they friendly?
  • Are they thriving?

What would YOU do if your Dollar Tree were infested by raccoons? Do you think these raccoons understand that the Dollar Tree is not a LITERAL tree? Hit me up with our app chat and let me know.

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