Taylor Swift's newest Reputation is certainly a favorable one — on the newest track off of her forthcoming sixth LP, the pop star's positively "Gorgeous."

Swift, whose new album drops in November, released Reputation's third track at midnight (October 20) and immediately had fans buzzing. The follow-up to "Look What You Made Me Do" and "...Ready for It," "Gorgeous" speaks to a guy Swift can't help but admire from afar (likely, it's an early-relationship love letter to rumored boyfriend Joe Alwyn). More, it's noticeably less pointed that its two precursors, and remarkably softer.

"Whiskey on ice, sunset on Vine / You've ruined my live by not being mine / You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face, 'cause look at your face / And I'm so furious," she croons over mellow, jittery tones and falsetto melodies.

Swift began teasing "Gorgeous" hours earlier on Instagram, and previewed a small sample of the track in one particularly popular clip.

Earlier this week, a source told Us Weekly that Swift's next album will continue to experiment with sounds that serve as concrete departures from her country and more mainstream pop past. Further, each track is said to vaguely point to existing feuds and relationship troubles with stars like Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry and Calvin Harris.

“It will be across multiple songs, somewhat cryptically,” the Swift source noted, adding pointed references will be still be "obvious.”

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