Should Alabama Repeal the Sales Tax on Groceries?
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley wants to repeal the sales tax on groceries in the State--do you agree?
The Governor announced a special task force to investigate this issue. Repealing the sales tax on groceries could make a big difference in the lives of many Alabamians; with sales tax near 10% in many cities, the savings could quickly add up.
I lived in Kentucky for 10 years, and the state did not have a sales tax on groceries. It was awesome. It's so much easier to shop and keep a running total in your head without to remember to add in the tax percentage--and you save SO MUCH money.
Think of it this way: if the average family spends $400 a month on JUST groceries; that family will be paying an additional $40 in taxes--and that adds up to $4,800 a year!
Do you think Alabama should have a sales tax on groceries? Cast your vote in our poll below!