It looks like it's time to "close a goddamn door" on the honor of being Panic! At the Disco's most-streamed song. "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" has held that mark for the better portion of the band's career, but it's since been replaced by the red hot current single "High Hopes."

At press time, "High Hopes" had lived up to its name with an impressive 289,231,271 streams on Spotify, which recently surpassed "I Write Sins" mark of 286,243,687.

"I Write Sins" was initially released by the band in 2005, one of the standout tracks from the band's A Fever You Can't Sweat Out debut album. It should be noted that the song came out at a time where streaming was not a major thing, with Spotify not even launching for another three years. But once streaming did become more prominent, the song quickly shot to the top of their most streamed tracks. "High Hopes," meanwhile, was released just last May, benefitting from the popularity of streaming in today's culture.

According to RockSound, you can quantify the staggering rise of "High Hopes" like this. In order to hear "High Hopes" 289 million times, it would take you 926 million minutes, 15.4 million hours, 643,000 days, 91,800 weeks or 1,761 years. It would have to be "high hopes" for any other Panic! track to reach that mark in as quick a time.

You can likely hear "High Hopes," "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" and other Panic! at the Disco favorites currently on tour. The Brendon Urie-led band plays Buffalo tonight (Jan. 10), with a North American tour booked through most of February. See their stops here.

Panic! At the Disco, "High Hopes"

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