You seen them at Walmart at all hours of the day and night, .The People Of Walmart", or "Walmartians" as some have described them.

You know who I'm talking about, you don't see them anywhere BUT your neighborhood Walmart. People who dress in their pajamas, their swimsuits, their underwear, sometimes next to NOTHING. However, a guy in Dothan, pretty much said, "Hold My Beer", and has us all beat.....He showed up at the Dothan Walmart this weekend wearing NOTHING....Yep, he was NEKKED!

Now maybe there is a plausible explanation for this......Maybe he was there to buy some clothes, maybe there's a Nudist Colony nearby and he got lost hiking through some wild bushes, or maybe he's simply an Auburn Grad. Whatever the reason it, I'm sure it's justified, (in probably an inebriated state of thinking). But there's got to be a reason!

In any event, here's a picture of the Dothan Police carrying out our Man Of The Hour....

Photo: Rickey Stokes News Facebook Page
Photo: Rickey Stokes News Facebook Page

Of course, as soon as this news story came across my newsfeed, THIS 70's classic started playing immediately through my head....."Don't Look Ethel!"

For a little more on this story read HERE

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