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As we all know, yesterday hundreds of people in Tuscaloosa held a peaceful protest fighting for racial justice. With images coming across the country of buildings being looted, stores being set to fire and widespread destruction, it's beautiful to see our great community come and do it the right way, with your words and voice.

Yesterday one of the speakers to open up the ceremony was Hollis J. Thomas, a Pastor at Rock City Church here in Tuscaloosa.

Hollis a father and a beloved man with a voice delivered a speech that should go down in T-Town history.

His speech was about hope, future and modernism had the crowd of hundreds stand silent and listening attentively. One line of the speech that smacked me in my face was, "Let your voice be your weapon." During this time looting, rioting and fighting that has become the lead story of media outlets around the world, Hollis reminded us that violence and destruction gets us nowhere in the fight for equality and we should all be fighting non-violently for the cause of love and friendship.

In my life, I have never been so disgruntled by the actions of the authorities over protesters and on-lookers. Stick by the side of your black brothers and sisters and fight for the respect, dignity and love they are given by God at the moment of birth.

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