Jurassic Park is a wonderful science-fiction film about a theme park full of cloned dinosaurs. But what is it really about? If you dig into its story, it’s actually about a workaholic paleontologist — Sam Neill’s Alan Grant — realizing for the very first time that he actually wants a family, and that he shouldn’t sacrifice his chance to have kids in order to further his career.

When you look at all the ways Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park focuses on Alan’s obsession with fatherhood, it’s a little overwhelming. Enough so that we’ve started to think about a wild theory: What if the entire movie is actually a delusion in Alan Grant’s mind as he works through his issues regarding families and paternity? In the video below, ScreenCrush’s Ryan Arey explores how that theory could work, and what it would mean to the overall thematic impact of Jurassic Park. Watch it here:

If you liked this video about a wild Jurassic Park theory, check out some more of our videos below, including the most important scene in Pixar history, the scene that explains the difference between The Avengers and Justice League, and why The Batman and Joker might exist in the same cinematic universe. Plus, there’s tons more videos over at ScreenCrush’s YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe to catch all our future episodes.

Gallery — Sci-Fi Movies That Actually Predicted the Future:

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