John Ondrasik of Five For Fighting Talks to ALT 101.7 Following Tuscaloosa Show
With his first appearance on the Barenaked Ladies' 2023 Last Summer on Earth Tour coming to the Tuscaloosa Amphitheater this week, singer-songwriter John Ondrasik of Five For Fighting joined us on ALT 101.7 for a brief chat on everything from his music, to his favorite NHL enforcer.

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Five For Fighting recently joined the second leg of BNL's tour and, along with Del Amitri, is scheduled for 16 additional U.S. stops with the tour in 2023.
Make sure you keep up with John and all things Five For Fighting by following his Instagram and TikTok pages. Or, check out the remainder of his shows this year via his website, FiveForFighting.com.
Miss out on the show in T-Town? Scroll to check out the gallery of ALT 101.7's view here!
Barenaked Ladies, Del Amitri and Five For Fighting LIVE in Tuscaloosa
Weren't able to catch the Barenaked Ladies, Five For Fighting and Del Amitri in T-Town this week? Check out ALT 101.7's view here!
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