Insomnia: The Convenient Cookie that Changed My Life
I have to admit, I've passed by this place over a dozen times and never went in. For years I wondered what was so special about a cookie shop. I could never understand how people went so crazy for cookies. I thought it was all hype until I tried it myself.
Insomnia Cookies became popular in the early 2000s. They're known for delivering cookies straight to student's dorm rooms and they come already warm in a nice box. You can even order milk, warm brownies, and ice cream! So I'm no longer in college, but I completely understand how students would love this place. Especially during finals week. A nice warm cookie, while I take a break from studying, sounds great!
While living in Orlando, I often passed by Insomnia Cookies as the lines were often long. I'd criticize those who waited for cookies like it was something special. When I moved to Tuscaloosa, I walked the strip one night with my frat brother and we talked trash about the place for about 5 minutes. We laughed and made fun of the concept, "People are going crazy over warm cookies?! SMH." We somehow ended up inside Insomnia Cookies and my frat brother asked the worker at the register "What's so special about your cookies?" I was embarrassed that he even asked! Lol! She laughed and responded, "They're warm." We looked at each other and knew exactly what would be next without saying a word. We ordered 2 cookies each.
I ordered a snickerdoodle and a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie. I'll never forget the moment I took a bite of my first Insomnia Cookie. As we both took a bite we immediately closed our eyes and enjoyed the goodness & said the same thing, "It's so warm!"
From that moment on, I've been a fan and will continue to love Insomnia Cookies. Over the weekend I took my wife to the Strip and she had Insomnia Cookies for the first time. Her first bite was just as special and of course, she's a fan! I highly recommend this place to anyone in Tuscaloosa. If you've been before, then you know how special this grand experience is when you go. The experience that is Insomnia Cookies.

My Comfort Foods