Here’s An Easy Way To Help Improve Alabama
Here's An Easy Way To Help Improve Alabama
Since being in Alabama, I've seen and heard a lot of natives talk about things they wish they could change. To those natives and everyone else that wants to improve schools, roads, public services, and more, here is how you can do it.
That's it, that's the key. I've honestly never understood why people were so against completing the census. I was actually in the number of people that felt like the census wasn't important. Growing up, I knew it to be a count of people in the community and that's it. I felt like it really didn't matter because they didn't care about our community anyway.
It wasn't until recently when I discovered how wrong I was in my thinking. The census is not only responsible for how many congress seats Alabama will have, but it also determines how the government will divide up money to different states. We're not talking about small amount of money, we're talking billions.
These congressional seats matter because it's all about representation. If we dont' have enough seats in congress representing Alabama, we potentially lose out on things we need. We all know representation matters, especially in politics. Let's do our part to make sure Alabama is represented, and make sure we get better funding for programs that benefit the public.
as it stands right now, Alabama is currently last in nationwide cesus response. I can't stress enough how important it is for us to complete the census for the state of Alabama. I've only been here a short time but I really care about this community. The friendly people, the great small businesses, I love it all. Let's do what we can to make sure our community is properly funded and represented. All we have to do is complete the census and spread the word!
Visit My2020Census.Gov to complete the census today. It takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

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