How to Get Rid of Flies in Tuscaloosa, Alabama for Less than $3
Listen, Sweet Mother Nature has been on a roll this summer season. Between everyone saying “We Outside,” the increasing threat of the Delta variant of COVID-19 and the rain nearly every day this summer has been interesting, to say the least. I have rolled my eyes at least 100 times.
Summer in the South consists of hot weather, humid conditions, rain, and BUGS. It’s like the more rain we get, the more bugs we get. I can’t stand it. However, bugs are not going anywhere. So, we have to find ways to either deal with them or get rid of them. I think you already know my choice.
Not too long ago, the gnats were something serious. I broke out my mother’s (not so) secret $3 remedy for killing gnats fast and shared it with you. Trust me, it works.

Now, the flies in West Alabama are absolutely and insanely OUT! OF! CONTROL! You can’t sit outside for 30 seconds without them buzzing around to make your life miserable. While everyone is screaming that they are “outside.” I’m outside, sitting on the porch, but these Alabama flies send me back inside.
Growing up in Florida, we spent many meals outside, year-round. Those flies would try to interrupt the festivities by my mother had other plans. She crafted this cheap trick to kill flies fast. She was totally ahead of her time. I’ve even seen her remedy on TikTok, so you know it’s legit.
Cheap Remedy for Killing Flies Fast
Step #1: Save a plastic bottle, clean it, and cut the top off.
Step #2: Add to the plastic bottle the following ingredients and mix as you go 1/3 cup of brown sugar, one tablespoon of honey, and one cup of warm water (that helps break down the brown sugar).
I feel like these supplies round up to 3 bucks.
Step #3: Then take the top of the bottle that you cut off and place it upside down into the bottle opening
Step #4: Then, put the bottle in the area you will be in ahead of time. Also, you can leave it out in your normal outside sitting space.
Check back and dump when flies reach the top of the bottle spout opening. Repeat the process.
Here are some TikTok videos with my mother’s remedy, plus some twists to the recipe with different bottle shapes.
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