Hawthorne Heights Tell Kanye West to Not Sue His Record Label: “Trust Us”
Hawthorne Heights have told Kanye West to not sue his record label.
Yesterday, Sept. 15, West posted a series of tweets where he expressed a desire to be released from his contract with Universal and Sony.
Replying to an associate of his, West stated that he "is not open to any form of business with Universal or Sony." He further stated that "I need to see everybody’s contracts at Universal and Sony. I’m not gonna watch my people be enslaved. I’m putting my life on the line for my people. The music industry and the NBA are modern day slave ships. I’m the new Moses."
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Among those to reply to Kanye were emo favorites Hawthorne Heights, who humorously poked fun at their own label beef with Victory Records.
"Dear @kanyewest Please don’t sue your record label. Trust us. It doesn’t work," the band joked.
Hawthorne Heights sued Victory Records for breach of contract in 2006.
"Due to recent events we have decided to leave Victory Records," the band said at the time. "Our departure is anything but amicable. We have decided to leave Victory, in part due to the actions of the man who sits at the head of the label, Tony Brummel. Tony Brummel is a man that cares more about his ego and bank account than the bands themselves.
"We've accomplished more in three years than most bands do in a lifetime and for that we are extremely grateful and consider ourselves very fortunate," the band continued. "Our situation with Tony Brummel is indicative of issues that all bands on Victory Records encounter on some level or another.
"We have decided to remove ourselves from the negative situation so that we can continue to do what we love best and focus on writing and playing music to people that care about what we have created."
Victory counter-sued, and the two parties eventually settled their dispute in 2008, with Victory releasing Hawthorne Heights' third album, Fragile Future, the same year.
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