Have You Seen Trumps New Campaign Commercial? Watch It Here

I'm not getting political, but I feel like commercials and messages like these on both sides need to stop.
Last Monday, the 'Trump Campaign for the 2020 Election' which is affiliated with with Trump Organization released this very strange commercial:
Man, I think politics in the past 15 years have gone off the cliff and need to slow their role on the actual personal attacks.
Depicted in the commercial was a so called interview with Joe Biden that was positioned as a horror movie teaser. While Biden is talking with a reporter -- he was questioned in regards to his mental health (which I think Biden is slowing losing his mind, just saying) if he has taken a mental exam or something along those lines. Joe fires back with begging the question to the reporter if he 'has taken a drug test" inciting that he was on coke. If the reporter would have been on some Colombian Bam Bam, that'd be the most monumental interview of all time -- absolutely legendary.
OKAY, back on track. Screen starts going black and in a horrible editing fashion -- Biden appears behind the interviewers right shoulder appearing to kiss the reporter on the ear.
How low can politics get? I can imagine that Biden is going to fire back with vengeance after this one. Maybe these two should sit down together and smoke some jazz grass and chill the hell out.
Roll Tide.
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