With the price of gas, food, clothes, and everything else on the rise, it helps to have a free option for school. These free courses offered by Troy University will definitely help many people this summer.

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While deep diving on the web, I found a Facebook post that sounded too good to be true. I just knew it was clickbait or a scam.

The post read:

"FREE college courses this summer. Open to everyone."

I started to ignore the post, but the content of the courses was things I wanted to learn more about. After clicking the link and reading up on the free courses, I found out that it's true.

Troy University in Alabama will be offering two free courses on Leadership and Finances this summer.

According to Troy's site, their online programs have been ranked among the country’s best by U.S. News & World Report, and place an emphasis on developing strong leaders.

The courses offered are both four-weeks long. Students will be able to learn about credit and consumer loans, investing, budgeting, and different aspects of leadership.

For every parent or person who has ever said "They should teach students about things that matter like budgeting, taxes, and credit."

This is teaching exactly what you're looking for. The best part is that it's free and open to the public.

Both courses will begin on July 11th and end on August 8th.

Registration for the courses re open until July 10th. You can click here to register or visit Troy.Edu.

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