County High Alumni Association Dissolved After President’s Posts
On Thursday, June 18th, the Tuscaloosa County High School Alumni Association Board of Directors elected to dissolve the Association in response to president Corinne Weiss' public racist remarks.
Weiss has been making several remarks over the past month to her personal Facebook feed citing over and over her stance on the murder of George Floyd and the nationwide protests that spawned out of it.
Many of Weiss' posts appeared to mock the protestors by stereotyping them: "Let's hope it will remain legal to grow watermelons and have fried chicken businesses."
In response, several alumni in a private Facebook group called Justice for County High Alumni Association! have urged the board to remove Weiss from her position. However, the Association voted to dissolve itself this morning.
Although none of the Association leadership was available for comment, but a likely reason for the decision to dissolve is that Weiss spoke out on the TCHS Alumni Facebook page, bringing the issue to the public and affiliating it with the official organization.
"Rumor has it I am a racist, homophobe, Islamaphobe and whatever else..., It only seems fair to share it here so everyone knows and let them know that I know their plan and the charges," Weiss said.
While TCSS superintendent Dr. Walter Davie stated Weiss' comments did not reflect the school system's values and were not associated with TCSS, the Alumni Association's official page has been kept rather quiet, with Weiss' posts being the most recent.
There are no current plans to replace the Alumni Association or respond to Weiss' comments publicly, but stay tuned for any updates in the coming days.

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