Colbert Teases 2020 Presidential Run in ‘Late Show’ Russia Clip
Whatever your politics, the most recent election has celebs contemplating runs for office. Whether Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson or Kanye, someone from the entertainment world might make a legitimate 2020 bid, and Stephen Colbert may have used his Late Show trip to Russia for the announcement.
It was earlier this week that Colbert snarkily tweeted back to Trump his presence in Russia, following months of Late Show heckling of the Tweeter-in-Chief. The post doubled as confirmation that Colbert’s CBS Late Show would film segments in Russia, as CBS relayed (via Deadline) the former Colbert Report personality was “on assignment for a future broadcast.”
That said, Colbert’s visit to Russian talk show Evening Urgant saw him (jokingly?) announcing consideration of a 2020 run for President, noting “I thought it would be better to cut out the middle man and just tell the Russians myself … If anyone would like to work on my campaign in an unofficial capacity, please just let me know.” Forgive the un-captioned clip, but you can see for yourself around 3:40:
CBS has not yet confirmed when Colbert’s Russia segments will air on The Late Show, but stay tuned in the meantime.
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