St. Patrick’s Day is here once again, and the personal finance website WalletHub today has released the holiday by the numbers!

The figures in the report for this day of all things green, is literally heavy on the green dollars. Check this out, Americans are expected to spend $4.6 billion on the day. That's a tall pile of cabbage! Yeah, it sure would take a lot of Guinness beer muscles to kick over that much gold! Also, March 17th is the one day we all pretend to be Irish, but in Alabama less than 10 percent are truly of Irish ancestry.

Here's a breakdown of the numbers for St. Patrick's Day:

  • $36.5: Average amount St. Patrick’s partiers will spend
  • 70%: Increase in cabbage shipments during St. Patrick’s week
  • 13M: Pints of Guinness will be consumed worldwide on St. Patrick’s Day
  • 4th: St. Patrick's Day's rank among the calendar’s most popular drinking days – behind New Year's Eve, Christmas and the Fourth of July
  • 276: Drunk-driving casualties on St. Patrick Day (2009 - 2013)
  • $60,967: Median income for Irish-American households (vs. $52,250 for all households)

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