This is not the way I wanted to feel on the day after the College Football Playoff National Championship Game. How is one supposed to deal with such unfathomable grief?

Here are x things Alabama fans can do today to help grieve last night's total beatdown:

  1. cry
  2. eat your feelings
  3. nap
  4. scream into the void
  5. watch Netflix all day
  6. punch a hornet's nest
  7. die inside
  8. call in sick
  9. stay in bed
  10. laugh until you cry again
  11. take a hot bath
  12. cry in said hot bath
  13. Google "what does life even mean anymore?"
  14. run away
  15. ask Alexa to turn your feelings off
  16. open a portal into an alternate universe in which Alabama won
  17. cry again
  18. remember it could be worse: you could be a Tennessee fan

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