The Classic Comic Series ‘Bone’ Will Become a Netflix Animated Series
If you only know superhero comics, then you’ve missed out on many of the greatest comics series ever made — like Bone, a children’s fantasy adventure series that won many awards through its run by writer/artist Jeff Smith, and has sold millions of copies worldwide. Three years ago, it was announced that Kung Fu Panda director Mark Osborne was working on a movie version of Bone, but nothing ever came of it. Now, per Deadline, a Bone animated series is underway — this time at Netflix.
Here was Jeff Smith’s comment on the news:
I’ve waited a long time for this. Netflix is the perfect home for Bone. Fans of the books know that the story develops chapter-by-chapter and book-by-book. An animated series is exactly the way to do this! The team at Netflix understands Bone and is committed to doing something special — this is good news for kids and cartoon lovers all over the world.
Given the series’ sprawling saga, with three cousins traveling through a world full of strange creatures, it makes a lot more sense as a series than a film. Hopefully the show maintains the comics’ signature cartoony style, and is given enough episodes to tell its story as epically as possible.
Gallery — The Best Animated Series Ever: