I love a good mystery.
Unless I'm in it!
It's so good to be back in Tuscaloosa and on The Steve & DC Show every morning on 95.3 The Bear.
So, we are going through our old photos and we find a picture of me with my brothers and mother taken on Halloween night in Tuscaloosa.
I love urban legends because they are just plain fun. That's why they made two or three movies about them. Back to some more in Alabama...like Phenix City, Alabama.
What scares YOU? Do serial killers scare you? Is it ghosts or shadow people that get you? What about the supernatural and evil demons? It's different for everyone.
A family in Tuscaloosa County with a very spooky story is the subject of one of their investigations. The show deals with the Tuscaloosa-related investigation in season 1, episode 2. It started with a sound here and there or seeing things that weren't really in the house. This one hits really, really close to home.