
Rhode Island Mom Goes Berserk and Attacks News Crew
Rhode Island Mom Goes Berserk and Attacks News Crew
Rhode Island Mom Goes Berserk and Attacks News Crew
On Tuesday, an enraged mother in Providence, Rhode Island attacked a news crew when they showed up to interview her about the shooting of her daughter at a graduation party. As a result, she was charged with two counts of felony assault. So much for breaking the cycle of violence.
Watch This Crazy Oreo Separating Machine In Action
Watch This Crazy Oreo Separating Machine In Action
Watch This Crazy Oreo Separating Machine In Action
That's right: a machine that separates the Oreo cookie from the creamy center. I am serious. This is a thing. I am all for ingenuity, but... come on, dude. I can do the same thing with a butter knife in, like, five seconds. What do you think...