Alabama Church Targets “Ignorant, Stupid Blacks” Voting For Trump
At first glance, I thought about how glad I'll be when this election is over.

After that, I thought about how little that really has to do with people who are just plain bad people. It is not the fault of the election that comes every four years in America. I’m not quite sure if anyone is to blame for this kind of hatred and plain 'ol ignorance.
Maybe they were born with those thoughts and feelings in their heart.
It all stems from the controversial New Era Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.
I tried to contact Pastor Michael Jordan at his church, but they seem to be unlisted.
It makes me wonder if the whole thing is intentional, with the desire to see who he can upset for his own attention-getting outcome.
One thing that really makes me very upset and really just sick is seeing a pastor behaving in a way that is guaranteed to make the unsaved and lost souls point to his work as the reason why they don’t want any part of church or God.
People like this always remind me of that idiot in Kansas that used to travel to funerals and march outside, holding signs that said “God hates fags”. I spoke with that idiot several times.
It was all a huge ploy for attention and maybe straight from the devil. Think about it for a moment what would you do if you were the devil?
I would pretend to be one of these believers and act like a complete demon.
In addition, how dare you try to shame someone for the way they vote! Let folks vote the way they feel is BEST for their family. That's what it's about.
My goodness, we learned things like that in GRADE school. Why do we still have people making it about what color someone is? Can we ever get to the place where we look beyond the color and focus on the heart?
Who's gonna be glad when the election is over?
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