Feeling Patriotic and Celebrating Summer with this Kid Rock Flashback Friday Spotlight
Celebrating 'Merica, summer and flashbacks- that's what we're doing with this B101.7 Flashback Friday spotlight with Kid Rock to fit the bill.
Here's an average American dude from the Midwest who likes to reflect on summer days growing up, while singing 'Sweet Home Alabama.' So much so, he made a song of it and called it 'All Summer Long.' Roll Tide to that 2007 track, and welcome to the spotlight for this 4th of July weekend!
Sure, here's the perfect anthem capturing the free and fun spirit of summer, while celebrating the U.S.A.
Check out the video below. See him cruise around Lake Tuscaloosa... oh, that's not here. Well, I'm ready to cruise around Lake Tuscaloosa. Can I borrow your boat? Happy Birthday 'Merica!
Kidd Rock 'All Summer Long'
Catch the spotlight song on the air at 5PM on B101.7! Saturday night, catch a whole night of flashbacks during the B101.7 Saturday Night Party, starting at 8 PM!
Also, Monday night we will feature a block of patriotic music starting 9PM, sponsored by Hungry Howie's and Dwayne's Towing. That's the start time for the Tuscaloosa Fireworks Spectacular from the amphitheater on the Black Warrior River. More info, click here.
Want more Flashbacks now?? Sure you do! Just hit the link below and go on with your badself.
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