GuySpeed Editors

Fried Chicken Beer Is a Beverage Oddity That Is Now Available
Not since Netflix and chill have two wonderful things like this come together.

College Students Have Invented Cure for Hangovers. Seriously.
Let's drink a toast to these innovators.

Sierra Nevada Issues Gigantic 36-State Recall
Important news for beer drinkers.

This Is the Scariest Way to Make Sure No One Gets Your ATM Code
Want to make sure your ATM code doesn't fall into the wrong hands?

Cop Fired for Feeding Excrement Sandwich to Homeless Man
This man is a piece of...well, you know.

See the Man Who Proves Why No Adult Should Go on a Water Slide
It's okay to be a kid at heart, but it might just be smarter to leave it at that.

‘If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans’ Is Deliciously Hilarious
If the sight of asparagus and sound of the word "tofu" send you into an uncontrollable seizure of disgust, then this is for you.

Fired Employee Destroys Plane, Should Get a Stress Ball Instead
There's gotta be a better way to work through your feelings.

Domino’s Robot Pizza Delivery Means Nothing Will Ever Be the Same
Ordering pizza has just gotten high tech.

Grandmas Driving Lamborghini Are Neither Fast Nor Furious
The days of old ladies tooling around in a Buick Skylark while barely able to see above the steering wheel are over.